Friday, March 14, 2008

Lets talk introductions

To whom may feel it of great interest to read my blog or for some reason or another has seemingly taken a wrong turn and stumbled across this particular post i welcome you with open arms. My name, first and foremost is Ondi and before you question to ask, for no particular reason did my mother come to such a conclusion. One in which brought me great anguish in the days of the old school yard as to the seemingly destructive and original nickname of Undies? Further fuelling the situation was my partnering up with my best friend Nelly, or as she was formally known in the Quadrangle SMELLY. Her being SMELLY and I UNDIES....Lets face it, we were DAMNED BEFORE THE GET GO.

Why didn't that wretched woman call me something socially exceptable or just down right cool like Princess Jasmine, I continually questioned after endless amounts of little lunches cram-packed with NAR NAR KNEE NAR NARS and giggles from the girls with their skirts around their heads on the monkey bars. HEY! I was like every other Tom, Dick and Harry. I liked Snack Packs and playing Paper, Scissors Rock for fun with nothing really at stake but perhaps my position in the tuckshop line.

I've come along way from the sand box i'll have you know. That is to say I'm thinking a little less each day of wisping away, Aladdin by my side and have taken a somewhat warmth to the name in which i have been assigned.

So what brought me, Ondi, here to 1501 ART-New Communication Technologies one might ask? Did each and every individual understand the meaning of such a course title when creating our timetable? I know I sure as hell didn't, stumped on day one 3/3/08 in a 9.00AM tutorial asking myself "What the hell? How the hell and why the hell might I be in a subject to which I know little to nothing about the course content?"

But as the tutorial commenced and conversation flourished, a certain realisation and perhaps a degree of stability came over me and I found myself saying

"Ondi you do alright at life." A course that delves into Technology as we know it and analytically questions that in which we take for granted on a daily basis. I'm particularly interested in familiarising myself with theoretical debates that may be attached with New Communication Technologies.

To synopsise.....A not to shabby subject selection for Semester 1, if I do say so myself.

Signing Off


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